Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The supermarket near a central station

I went to the supermarket near a central station in Copenhagen.
A left photograph is a beverage that puts the character that is called "Iama".

I thought that it was a quite lovely character though it was "Iama", and it seemed to be also in Japan the fan.

I think that there is only a design advanced country (Denmark) in Northern Europe though causing the loveliness only of this though it expresses only in a simple line makes it do.

The question of the Europe style still was or thought that goods caused all Europe when strolling in the store though was natural.

There is the enjoyment of the travel said that a super-mat of local will be excluded though it is happy to go out to traveling abroad, and for meal to eat the special product certainly in the restaurant etc. , too.

Food costs can be at least cheaper than unusual food is put without fail there, and it eats naturally at a restaurant.

Because the improvisation ramen of the cup noodle style had sold it in this supermarket, it bought it by way of experiment. It is certainly memorized that the cup noodle though it was the one not sold in Japan.

Chopsticks were regretted for a moment however ..taste.. without trouble only having possession though it put the billy on in hotel room, and it ate the cup noodle.

Because as such, when eating, it is possible to eat any chopsticks with chopsticks by the one that application is effective even if it is Western food

It was the one that outed of one's element after all very much though it used a fork and it ate the cup ramen.
Food of spaghetti wants to eat with chopsticks in the West though the ramen of Japan is the same noodles somehow though it is.

Ah ahead, the foreigner nearby still thought nearby the one to be a culture of Japan for a moment in the television program of Japan while seeing that though was able to have slurped or was he or she able to have sipped nearby well.

A viewer Japanese it it is not possible to do sees well if it says more, the foreigner's eating the buckwheat noodle has seen image propaganda that compels a certain kind of racial, cultural identity to the last minute an interesting content because it was very interested in the program the television program though was not from the content of the program without feeling either.

It was France in being done and a part of snob when it was important to defend Western manners if it was a meal of the West, Britain, and there was an age with feeling like a culture that enshrined as a kind of sample of the West culture based on advanced nations on the west side even if it was said Europe that it was Italy ..it.. ..Takashi.., and was advanced even when eating if Japan was an age of Western complete wholly-devoted.

It will be because the one of a kind of effort (Pritenshas) that starts showing off cultural boast so and so is felt very much, people who have such an idea also have felt odd that the program "Is the buckwheat noodle eaten from the foreigner well?" previously taken up is seen for a moment also me though they are one of the regions where it likes Europe thank you thank you still.

It nearby not nearby though it eats quietly though the sound is made and it eats the buckwheat noodle?It is my idea.

Such..gastronomic culture..one..discuss..seed..radical..nationalism..one..hotbed..become..to the end..food..thorough..favorite..eat..think.

It was an instruction of sequentially eating it when bread, milk, the side dish, and these three kinds existed when it ate the school lunch what it was though said by the teacher in the elementary school age, "Make to the triangle and eat the school lunch".

Am not I good for the one of the bureaucracy too how to eat even though it is disgusted, and I leave what kind of school lunch even though how to eat?It has become one person named the child like a mass of the uncompromising attitude spirit.

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