Tuesday, July 17, 2007


In the presence of a central station in Copenhargen, this Tivoli is.

It was February that I went, and was just a season of the rest though wanted to be set foot on this Tivoli that opened in 1843 if possible by me.

When it was random and I went as it was cold, it was almost benumbed in the cold of the remainder in the winter of Denmark. When the thermometer was seen to walk in the town, for the thermometer of about 20 meters in height to stick to the building, and to do the needle up to the minus 20 degrees, I thought, "Ah here must be countries in corresponding cold".

Certainly, the conception of purposely playing by outdoor in the amusement park if it is a too cold season might not arise either.

The signboard of this Tivoli was drawn person's picture in the part of the character, and thought it was fashionable very much by one the signboard.

Surroundings were enclosed by the wall as for the park though the Tivoli might be a sightseeing spot of the Copenhargen the greatest, and when quietly pausing in the gray, the color of the wall had good impression oppositely.

The citizens in Copenhargen might know the signboard's made Kebakeba hanging has the opposite result to what was intended, and the city's setting is damaged well.

Such a quiet way symbolized a European unpleasantness and the mature society, felt the impression of adult town, and this Tivoli was felt because it saw.

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